Andrew Tham

I first picked up Bahasa Indonesia from Sally back in 2008, prior to being based in the country over the following years. Overall, I just say that Sally’s teaching is effective in equipping students with fundamental knowledge of this beautiful language. Lessons are filled with plenty of example sentences, interesting comprehension and cloze passages (waduh! brings back the primary school memories) and Sally delivers the classes in a 2-way dialogue interaction which really enhances learning.As with other foreign languages, never feel afraid to speak the language and ask as much as possible during class. Aim to manage a conversation with Sally in Bahasa Indonesia throughout the course and that will really benefit. Once you have a good grasp of the Formal Bahasa Indonesia (which lessons are delivered in) more or less, picking up Colloquial Bahasa Indonesia should not prove too difficult.Definitely recommended for any foreign organisation which is very much involved in Indonesia business environment, as well as individuals with a strong interest in learning more about the country.

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