Margaux Ith

I set out to find a Bahasa Indonesia tutor early this year (Jan 2013), and came across this website. Admittedly, I was very apprehensive about the acclaim and praise lauded onto “Ibu Sally”/”Guru Sally” and thought there was no way a tutor could be so well-liked. So I signed up for the Elementary course to personally come under the much raved about tutelage of Ibu Sally.She is AMAZING. You are given an assessment book of sorts on your first lesson, which has all these practical and REAL situational exercises (e.g. telephone conversation, opening a bank account etc.). Additionally, you are given a very decent amount of vocabulary to memorise each lesson. Combined with Ibu Sally’s highly interactive teaching pedagogy and PATIENCE (so important!!!!), you will pick up the language faster than you ever expected to.I guess in sum, INDOTUTORS makes learning a new language EASY. In comparison to my days learning Chinese as a mother tongue, learning Bahasa Indonesia is really fun. Having just finished my Elementary course, I am now proceeding to sign up for my Intermediate one- with much anticipation. So really, if you’re on the fence as to whether or not to register with INDOTUTORS, or if you’re hunting for a Bahasa Indonesia tutor, look no more!!!!! INDOTUTORS is the best you’re ever going to get!

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