Ang Thiam-Huat

Fearful of language classes, not anymore after you have attended Ibu Guru Sally’s Bahasa Indonesia course.Ibu Sally’s course curriculum builds up momentum by introducing words and phrases which are commonly used, such as greetings, addressing persons of different gender, seniority etc.With each lesson, whilst new words and phrases are added, vocabulary from previous lessons are refreshed through oral and written exercises.Ibu Sally is exceptionally perceptive as to the areas each student need improving, and will specially emphasize the words or phrases which may be more difficult or confusing.At the end of the course, there is an oral and a written test. Diligent students would have no difficulty passing the tests. Afterall with the effort put in by Ibu Sally, a student would genuinely want to do well to thank our teacher for her unfailing dedication and love for the language.With Ibu Guru Sally, learning Bahasa Indonesia is fun.

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